Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thoughts from Me

Have to say I'm so happy Koda is home for a few days. When he works to much...he's not a very happy person, same thing happens when there is a lack of sleep or food too. Good thing I know this huh.

I can't believe Page is turing into a little girl. Its bittersweet. Oh well guess I will have a baby in about 3 months to baby.

Again 3 months verses 12 weeks. Funny how 12 weeks sounds so much shorter to me.

Really wanting some water. This traveling elsewhere to shower every other night sucks. I also miss being able to wash the kids off with actual water after they eat, instead of just wiping them off with wet wipes and such.

Got my family album book. LOVE IT!!!

Hate this depression crap that overcomes me with this pregnancy. HATE IT!! Has anybody else experienced it? Please tell me it leaves once the baby is here.

Trying to decide whether to pay our mortgage off on our farm (can do within the next five years) or save all that money for a downpayment for the house we are going to have to build in (hopefully we can wait) five years. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. It's harder to get a loan without a down payment. Also, the more you put down the lower your interest rate should be.
    As far as your depression...I'm still running and hiding from mine. It finds me sometimes, usually when I least expect it. But I'm getting better all the time.


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