Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Birth Control

I'm going to vent.
So I'm sorry.
Bear with me.

I'm so sick of people asking  telling me I'm must be done having children for I have three girls, so close together. It's been proven right? we can't have boys.
Just so it's out there, yes we will be having more children and yes the next one will probably show up with in the next two years. We know we are suppose to have more children, so we are going to.

But what do you say to the lady in the fabric store that asks: "so your getting your tube's tied or a vasectomy done right?" (Oh no,  I love giving birth, I think I'll do it another 12 or 13 more times)
 or " do know what causes this right?" (no I don't....please give me a detailed explanation)
or "are you crazy?" (no I just smoke a lot of pot)

Really is it anybodies business but our own when we have children or the spacing of them?
So yes I have have 3 kids, 3 and under, a 19 month and then a 16 month separation. Guess what, it's me who has to deal with it.

But I find it very interesting all those who tell me all about different types of birth control, I'm about ready to start replying with, "oh don't worry, I go across the border and get my 25 cent insurance policy there. I'm protected."
or maybe "I do a voodoo dance and smoke ceremony before we do anything. I'm protected."

Once again, isn't it my business what kind of birth control I use or don't use?

Now this is not to say that I don't enjoy talking about this with women who are not scornful or rude about it. I don't mind at all talking about birth control with a nice person, who doesn't belittle me.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Over Abundance of Peppers

Did you know,
Three Anaheim Chili Pepper plants will produce 62 Anaheims in about a week?
Mine do.
(Ok actually there was more peppers, but I did give some away)
From those 62 Anaheims, it took me all day to wash, chop, and measure them out to freeze.
(Hey give me a break! I have 3 kids, a husband, 2 dogs plus a puppy to keep an eye on)
Anyways, 62 Anaheims when finely chopped equals 33 quarter cups.
Or 8 1/4 cups of chopped peppers.
Yep, my house smelt good.
I'm thinking salsa time!!!

Guess what else....
This is the third time I've done this, this summer.
Oh man do I have the peppers in my freezer.

We won't even get started on the Jalapenos and the Bell Peppers.

What's your favorite kind of pepper?
I ask, I'd like to know.

I once was a pepper hater....but I'm coming around, in a big way!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Crazy Me

Did you miss me???
I've gone crazy.
Really I've just been way busy!!
Normal everyday stuff.
Attempting to move three girls into one room.
Drs. Appts (btw I'm SICK of dr appts!!!)
A few days ago I posted on FB that I was always 2 days behind on my to-do list.
Well I think it has escalated to four.....
Go figure!
Today I spent all day running around!
Dentist Appointment.
Daisy Dance Class.
Shopping for Material for T&T's wedding.
57 Days...I'd better get to sewing on the little girls dresses for it.
As in....7 little dresses.
Yep I'm CRAZY....

But hey Look at how pretty my Zucchini Jam Turned out!!!

Yes you heard me right Zucchini!!
Its delicious, if you want the recipe I'll send it to you just email me!!!
OH that reminds me I have a loaf of Zucchini Bread in the Jeep my mom left me.
I'd better go get it.
Don't you Love Zucchini season???

It's big around here and probably the only time people lock their car doors at church.

Hehe...I've never done that....hehe......

Have a Great Day!!!
Hopefully I'll soon get back into the swing of this and post a bit more!!!
Maybe once I'm not so busy and not so tired all the time.

Ok, Now Have a Great Day!!!


Monday, September 5, 2011

We Live Here

Guess what.
My house is still a disaster.
But hey at least once a week each room is clean.
For a few short hours.
I honestly never knew this would bother me the way it does.
Oh well....So goes live.
So this is my new favorite saying.
I want it.
Mostly so I can see it and remind myself to get off my back about things.
Oh ya I pinned it.
Love pintrest.
Don't you?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Yes I've been dreaming.
All sorts of stuff have been floating around in my dreams.
Like a weedless yard.
A non-imaginary fence around my yard and house.
My future dream home.
And this, my future ride.
I'm having more kids someday.
Might as well have the towing capacity for them right. ;)
Ah, I see once of these beauties driving down the road and I just sigh with extreme love and want.
To think I'm actually drooling over a "mom" car.
OH my....I must be a mother and no longer a kid.
I've grown up!!!
I'm going to go get a paper bag.
Excuse me.......

....well at least I'm not drooling over a van right?

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I've been busy.
Deep cleaning my carpets.
Cleaning my chairs and couch.
Yep it looks so nice.
We poured cement for our pump shed on Monday.
That was a busy day.
Tuesday I abandon my true hair color...blonde and went totally dark.
Its odd, yet fun.
I'm getting use to it, I think Koda is too.
Wednesday we had family pictures.
From the sneak peaks she's given us, I LOVE THEM.
Bet you can't wait to see them!
Thursday we once again trekked to the city.
But hey I got to go see what IKEA is all about.
Let me tell you, I love it.
Friday was kinda lazy, besides cows being in the wrong pasture.
Dang Cows.
But Its back to the grind, Koda is back to work.
Thanks heavens it's not nights.
Well, I'm going to go splurge and buy Taco Bell for Lunch.
I know long drive.
But I'm going to do it.
How you been?

Friday, July 8, 2011


Hey ya'll!
I'm so sorry I didn't get a Farm Fact Friday up this week.
I was suprised the other night.
My husband didn't have to work for two days.
So we tore the kitchen apart and put it back together.
I'm loving it!
Hope all ya'll's Friday is going good.
It looks like we are going to be getting more rain here.
Crazy weather.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Truth of the Matter Is...

My house is only clean looking from 11:00pm to 7:00am anymore.
If your stopping by, the kids will most likely just have diapers on.
Potty training...don't get me started.
One, two, or three kids are always crying.
They take turns.
The two oldest purposely pick on each other and on their sister.
My husband, eats, sleeps, and works.
We never see him it seems like.
I'm ready for days off.
He's ready for days off.
Not happening anytime soon.
So here's to another day in paradise.
I'm surviving, day by day.
Ending each night in total defeat.
And starting each day with new zest.
At least all of the kids sleep through the night.
Knock on wood.
Gotta go.
I hear the cereal bags opening up.

Me, A haggard mom.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Long Dirt Road

 As you probably know or guessed I live at the end of a dirt road. This is a picture of where my property actually begins, there is another half mile behind me of dugway. I love living in this kind of solitude, the only thing I don't care for is all the fools who drive down this road at a 100 mph thinking they own the place and then when they get to the end...oh guess what...they are in my barnyard. Hmmm....I bet they feel dumb. Well I've found the perfect sign to put up right here at my property line, (I have a different one that I want to put up at the top of the hill, but that's another post).
Here's my lucky find.
The cool thing is.
We really do have a blind dog...

We also have unruly children

Ok so this sweetie is unruly...yet...
 Now I just need some old horses.
Especially since I really do.
Daisy starts riding by herself next year.
I'm so excited!
So now I'm on the outlook for old slow horses.
Even though the young fast horses are funner.
I need slow and old right now.

Hope your Wednesday was good!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Quilting and Facebook

 Last Thursday and Friday my mom and I went out to the big city of our state to help quilt the yearly Farm Bureau quilt of the counties. Each year there is a quilt block given to each county womens chair to be emborderd within that years theme. The blocks are then all collected and sewn into a quilt. The state womens committee then gets together to hand quilt it.
 This was my first try at hand quilting and it was fun. The one thing I really enjoyed about it was all the conversation that went on. Now I totally understand why past generations of women all got together to quilt. It makes a tedious chore go by quickly. The only difference between what we did and the women of the past, (well besides the air conditioned building, and a bunch of other stuff...) Is how one lady had to keep checking her facebook page and telling us all about what was going on there... Wouldn't those pioneers be SHOCKED?
Now here comes the kicker I was the youngest lady there, then my mom who is fifty...all the other women were older then mom by at least ten years is not twenty to that's funny, they having to check their FB page! Or I think so. Makes me wonder what does the future hold facebook wise and quilting wise?
I wonder which will phase out first.
I put my money on facebook.
What do you think?
Me, a facebooking quilting kinda girl...or at least when I'm on break from being that possible?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Thoughts for a Tuesday

I'm sitting here.
Just got done changing diaper 56,893 of the day.
Don't believe me?
You go have three unpottied children.
It's the truth.
Another truth...
I hate mice.
They LOVE my house though.
Guess that comes with the territory of a 1980's trailer.
My future dream home has no mice residing in it.
I like my future house.
It has no suprise remodel's like this one does.
Yep, we had water leaking in our floor.
Two big squisy bubbles in th floor tipped us off.
HuBby has tore the floor apart.
The fridge is in our living room.
But at least it wasn't a broken pipe or water leaking in from the roof.
No, my new dish washer machine has been slowly leaking where a fitting was wrong.
I guess it's one way to get new flooring.
Maybe I'll go for new cabinets too.
Anyways I just seen another mouse.
I'm going to intensify my trap line.
Wish me luck and I hope you tuesday is better.
Me, the mighty mouse trapper

Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's Official

I'm a Blackberry user.
I know kinda crazy.
I switched phone companies.
I feel like I've betrayed my old company.
I mean, they did give my big break when I finally got a cell phone.
I didn't know I was so loyal to certain places.
But I am.
OH well.
When it comes to saving money, plus better service I shouldn't feel guilty about switching.
Guess what else.
I have a new fridge.
I'm happy.
It's like five times the size of my old one.
Oh ya, I'm doing the happy dance.
My girls are still driving me bonkers some days.
Its like they have to test EVERY single limit.
Melody is a sweetheart though.
Minus the keeping mom up till midnight thing.
Oh well.
I'm a mom, I'll adjust.

Hope you have some fun suprises in your life coming up!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Busy Life

We've had a busy last few days.
Thursday we went and got a piece of junk...A treasure for Koda to scavage and tear parts off of.
We also hit the Zoo.
It was fun.
Friday was graduation.
My baby brother graduated, along with my baby sister in law.
It was fun.
Windy, but fun.
Saturday we went to my cousin's graduation BBQ.
That was fun seeing everyone.
Today, I'm staying home.
I'm tired.
Also in other news.
We ran out of pull-ups.
Maybe we'll get this potty thing figured out now

Have a fun relaxing day.
I am.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Reasons to HATE night shift

Its hard going to sleep when your man is gone
I'm up to late
Reading, blogging, Facebooking, surfing, movie watching, sewing, to-do listing, housework, texting
Or all of the above
Not a smart thing seeing how I have
A newborn
A teething toddler
And 3 early risers
Sleep is a must when you have a child
Times that by three equals more sleep needed, but not gotten usually
So its 9:30 pm now
I'm feeding the baby
The princesses are asleep
I'm going to bed
Hopefully I'm able to sleep and not stay up to late reading
The curse of a good book
Oh and the biggest reason to hate nightshift
It's Lonley

Hope your nights are better and if you haven't enjoyed the wonders of night shift...hope you never do.
ON another note, Isn't this just sweet?


PS only took me an hour to upload this pic...UGH

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Simpler Life

Ahhh...My life has been so much simpler since I've gotten this in my house.

Running Water.

Oh man, you have no idea how nice it is until you have to go without.
Seriously four months of having to haul water in 6 gallon jugs.
Boiling water before I wash my dishes by hand.
Hauling my laundry to my mom's every week.
Showering at unsuspecting peoples houses.
Yep that was the good life....haha NOT!

I'm living the good life now.
I got this for my birthday.

Yep, my husband did good (especially for not remembering it was the big day, until 3 that afternoon).
Also I love being able to use this, which has been sitting un-used for a good while now.

Yep life is really good now, oh and so much simpler.
It's like I have all this free time on my hands.
Which means I have more time to watch and clean up after this.

Yes I think she's adorable too! Even with a chocolate beard I'll keep her.

Have a great day and eat some yummy chocolate and see if you look good with a chocolate beard too!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Total chaos...

...running through my mind.

Like do I go and wash laundry at the place I don't care too, since my regular place is flu infested? Or do it tommorrow and clean house today?

I am happy I've gotten lots of sewing done the past week. And I feel ready to finish some more.

I'm getting excited to meet this little girl of ours. We still don't know what to name her. I guess I have about five weeks...maybe.

Made some changes to my house. Like hung the hall curtain. Painted a border strip in the girls room...still needs the finishing touches. Carson put together my computer desk yesterday.

I need to start dragging the baby stuff back out...really don't want to.

Should get a hospital bag ready...procrastinating there too.

We all have colds fun at all.

But our first calf of the year is here.

And they've dug to hook our water connection up.

Page is becoming quite the talker with the words; hot, shoe, out, milk, bottle, dad, moo, and whatsthat, entering her vocabulary.

Daisy is becoming much more understandable and reasonable too.

They are growing up.

Started weaning miss Daisy off the sippy cup, so I can start potty training her. Hopefully I can get some kind of running water in the house before we undertake the chore. And hopefully it works this time.

What else is fun? Page is getting her four last teeth, well until 2 yr old molars. She is so clingy and whiny.

So what your thoughts? Like my random pictures? Oh wait they didn't upload. Sorry. Maybe next time! Have a great Monday!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thoughts, Thoughts, Thoughts

I need to get some pictures uploaded on my computer.
It's a Tuesday, Cleaning Day in other words.
I'm wanting to decorate, decorate, decorate, but no idea what to do or where to start.
I have finally decided on what border print I'm doing in the girls room.
Now I need to decide on colors. Time to go shopping!!
Finally going to just order some curtains for my living room.
Tired of having none and I can't find any material that I just LOVE to make some.
I'm also wanting to dejunk my house, not that I have that much junk.
I have a bunch of material and material scraps that I would like to get rid of...don't know how to though.
Also thinking about getting rid of some books that I don't just LOVE.
Need to make room for more books that I do LOVE!
Really want to organinze and dejunk my storage unit, but I really think thats a summer project.
Probably going to have a garage sale this summer.
I need to.
Feeling the need to start dragging the baby stuff back into the house.
I'm going to hold off.
I don't need all that extra stuff just yet, I still have six weeks.
Wanting to make some spring dresses for my girls.
Not sure what pattern or material to use.
Got some baby gifts and things that need done first though.
MIL wants my family in browns for family picture in May.
I'm tired of brown, I want something springy.
Got a new book yesterday, its cute so far.
Guess I should go mop now and get off the computer.
Hope you have a good Tuesday.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday Thoughts

  • About 5:49 this morning I woke up in a panic when I realized my dear husband was still in bed. He was supposed to be at work at 4:30!!!! Turns out he's got the next four days off. :)
  • This pregnancy is so weird and I feel like it's kicking my butt. I know I shouldn't be complaining, cause others have way worse pregnancies, but this is by far my worst one.
  • Month three of no water has begun. Hopefully by the end of this month I'll have some.
  • Starting to feel the urge to get my house deep cleaned and prepared for the baby.
  • I'm ready for bed already and its not even noon.
  • I'm going to go take a nap.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 4 (30 Day Photo Challenge)

So I'm switching Day 4 & 5 around, for I'm at my mom's today since Page is now sick and I don't have water to use the washing machine to keep enough blankets clean for her. The picture I want to use for Day 4 is on my computer, so I'll do Day 5 A picture of a favorite memory. So here is Day 5's Challenge on Day

Feeding Cows.

Ty in tractor, Janessa and I on the hay
I've feed cows my entire life and what a joy it has been. I know totally crazy sounding, chores aren't supposed to be fun. But believe me when you are a kid they are a blast. Just ask my almost 3 year old. The minute its time to feed cows I know about it. And if we are going to the ranch oh, she is first in line to help feed. I know that I was much the same way, just as my siblings all were. As I've gotten older I've realized that I'm  a part of a minority who got to have this kind of lifestyle on an everyday basis. And I'm so lucky! I can't imagine growing up any other way and to all of you who didn't get to experience these kinds of things, I'm sorry, cause it is truly something worth experiencing, especially as a young child! I'm also so very grateful that I can raise my children much the same way and I hope that they enjoy it as much as I did. Of course, I think they are well on their way according to past adventures.

Monday, February 28, 2011

So Sorry!!

For my lack of posting lately. I've been super busy, plus when I do try to post the computer won't upload my pictures, so I get frustrated and kick it and turn the computer off. (Ok so I don't really kick it, I don't have that kind of balance to get my leg up that high!)

But here is some new things in my life.

My sister is married. Yep still getting use to the idea. Although I am totally happy for her and Cole and excited for him to join our family. Although I'm sure after he's met us all he may be having second thoughts.

Other news, Page is seriously teething. I don't know why she has to do it all at once, but she does. She got her first six teeth alltogether, the  next two together, and now all the rest, molars included, so thats what eight teeth coming through at once. Ya she is not happy, I feel for her.

Other then that, I'm still pioneering it and have no water. Let me tell you, I'm glad I have heat. Also I wish it would hurry up and just warm up, so the mud will dry out. Seriously you have to have 4wd to get into and out of my house right now. A mile of slippery sticky mud, no fun.

Hope all is going well your way! And hopefully I can get some pics uploaded somday!
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